We spend much of the day doing drop-ins at bookstores. I enjoy meeting the people who actually sell the books. They’re a young, intelligent group and each of them has a story to tell about Margaret, Forever, or Fudge. There’s no pressure to perform during these visits. I wish the book tour could be this relaxed all the time.
3PM - Live radio by phone - the Warren Pierce Radio Show from Michigan.
Have to leave the hotel at 6PM for a talk and signing at Borders Books in Framingham. It goes well, I think. There’s a good crowd, more adults than kids, though I’ve figured out how to talk about Summer Sisters to a mixed age audience. There’s a baby in a stroller right up front, being fed baby food as I speak. A future reader, I hope. Sign books until close to ten, then drive back to hotel. Too tired to pack...will get up early - by 6AM - instead.