The story

Nicky has freckles -- they cover his face, his ears, and the whole back of his neck. Once, sitting behind him in class, Andrew counted eighty-six of them, and that was just a start! If Andrew had freckles like Nicky, his mother would never know if his neck was dirty.

Judy says

I had a great title, thanks to my daughter Randy, who used to play in the bathtub making a mess with shampoo, soap and powder. She called this concoction freckle juice. All I needed was the story. When I read the book now I ‘m amazed that Andrew's allowance is just ten cents a week, and that his mother plays cards with her friends in the middle of the afternoon. Times have changed but freckles haven't!


From Randy's bathtime game.


To Randy, my favorite freckle face, of course.

"This convincing small-boy adventure proceeds smoothly to a satisfying conclusion...especially suited for reading aloud to second and third graders." –School Library Journal